"Something"s bound to begin.
"Something"s bound to begin.
"You can take it on the chin Call a cab und begin to recover
"I don"t know where to begin.
I"m a-gonna begin a brand-new day
# But still they begin...
Makes me stop before I begin
I don"t even know where to begin.
Luck if you"ve ever been a lady to begin with
Let"s begin opet ce mi?
Bila je ta Confetti pjesma.... "begin again."
I, ovaj cd ima ime "begin again."
Osoba koja je pronašla tijelo rekla je da je čula "begin again" svrirku iz studija prije nego je Chris ubijen.
Ovo je "begin again," ali nisu Confetti.
# This is the morning that you begin # # to take control when your world"s in a crazy spin # # reach out for more # # and make it better # # than it"s been before #
# Put it behind you and leave it there # # the sun is shining, so get out and breathe the air # # this is the morning that you begin # # to take control when your world"s in a crazy spin #
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