I huff and pant in a trance "cause I love to dance
I huff and pant in a trance "cause I love to dance
"Cause I"m happy just to dance with you I don"t need to hug or hold you tight
I just want to dance with you all night In this world there"s nothing I would rather do
Just to dance with you Is everything I need
Before this dance is through I think I"ll love you, too l"m so happy when you dance with me
"Cause I"m happy just to dance with you
Just to dance with you
Before this dance is through I think I"ll love you, too I"m so happy when you dance with me
Oh, oh "Cause I"m happy just to dance with you
(girl) Daddy, can we go to the school dance?
Nijedno okupljanje nije bez svoje Leonard Zelig šale... a u dekadi popularnoj po dance ludorijama... nova je osvojila naciju.
Everybody dance to the radio rock
Nas dance partner.
And dance
# Dance, magic, dance # #
Dance, magic, dance #
# Dance, magic dance # #
Dance, magic, dance
# Turned cartwheels "cross the floor...
# We lose again before we start Watch us dance as we fall apart #
# We lose again before we start They watch us dance as we fall apart #
Bio je tu techno dance klub.
Jednog dana ces osjetiti pospanost, umor a druge dance ces biti apsolutno odlicno.
Odabrala sam dance stvar. Da malo podigne atmosferu.
//Allshe wants to do is dance// 1068 01:08:36,607 -- 01:08:38,302 Zach, tko je rekao da možeš gore?
Ovdje radimo dance klub.
Mislila sam da je square dance moj poklon.
"Underground dance party."
Pleše li on to break dance?
# Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio #
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