"I guarantee you would fall like I did.
"I guarantee you would fall like I did.
And the tears shall fall from the living eye
I thought I"d never fall in love with you
Let you fall
#It"s time to fall in love#
#Why can"t I fall in love#
#Why can"t I fall in love again#
# Some tears must fall...
"Til the stars fall from the sky
"lf one of those bottles should happen to fall"
# We lose again before we start Watch us dance as we fall apart #
# We lose again before we start They watch us dance as we fall apart #
# Sight of fall and inconvenience #
# Let it all fall down
Because lm starting to fall
# As shadows start to fall # # l feel it closing in #
For ever one to fall, and I still be standin"
# If I fall short # # If I don"t make the grade # # Ifyour expectations aren"t met in me today #
I"m watching it fall
* If you fall I will catch you I will be waiting * /* Ako padneš ja ću te uhvatiti, ja ću čekati */
Let your troubles fall behind you
Don"t wanna fall asleep "Cause l miss you Jimmy
I wasn"t gonna fall in love again
But as flowers bloom, they also fall
"When the high has broken, it"s shards fall near and far"
"When the high has broken it"s shards fall near and far"
Do you know what it"s like to fall on the floor?
# Not to fall apart, dawg! #
# That"s when they fall in line
# Let"s fall in love #
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