It"s a good invention just the same.
It"s a good invention just the same.
For he"s a jolly good fellow He"s a jolly good fellow
He"s a jolly good fellow
* it was good enough * * for my father * * it was good enough for me *
Good morning, Father.
I thought the little leading lady was rather good, didn"t you?
I do think Sam should be congratulated for making such a good try.
And so, until next time, when we shall return with another story... good night.
Mucho good-o.
"Tuesday morning..."
"Love you, baby, I feel so good tonight."
Ali reci mi, nije li istina da loši ljudi uvijek čine loše stvari onima koji su im blizu, dok im dobri uvijek čine dobro? to those who approach them, whilst good people always do them some good.
Az, mz good lord.
It"s the good life - It"s the good life
Get the good life - Get the good life
It"s the good life
"The morning will come When the world is mine
"What good"s a first impression?
"What good is sitting alone in your room?
"What good"s permitting Some prophet of doom
"What good is sitting All alone in your room?
For He sent His son to save all good men
I know you love me when I feel good
It ain"t no good
It ain"t no good, no
For he"s a jolly good fellow That nobody can deny
For he"s a jolly good fellow For he"s a jolly good fellow
For I"m a jolly good fellow For I"m a jolly good fellow
# For they are jolly good fellows
* Ljubeći me za laku noćKissing me good night *
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