# Meet ya "round the corner "bout half-past eight #
# Meet ya "round the corner "bout half-past eight #
"Go back, baby, baby, I want to be a half with you."
Couldn"t you even look after half?
Pretpostavljam da su shvatili da "half pipe" znači nešto.
# It takes half of your bubble bath # # to match the freshness #
OK, imamo "half-caf percent latte" i "medij double decaf"...
Didi mora da je shvatila da sam razumeo poruku, zato must have realized I was getting the message, "cause što mi je dozvolila da delimo polovinu she let me share the half njenog korita za stpala koje nikad nije koristil of her foot bath that she never used.
Oh,bili smo dobri unutra,half-pint.
# And you won"t know the half of it
Ekipa gubi a on navalio naprijed kao Herivelto za Timbinha, a center-half. za Timbinha, centrafora.
Radi li na seriji "Two and a half man"? - Ne. On...
Oni ne mogu dočekat da ti kažu o nekom super susretu koji su imali sa half pipe ili sa spustom niz padinu.
I do about half as much as you do.
Kažeš "alf" a treba "half". (pola)
In the 1600"s there was a half Christian half Muslim sect.
But it doesn"t thrill me half as much As dancing cheek to cheek
But I don"t enjoy it half as much As dancing cheek to cheek
Bila sam mlada i nisam se bojala široki half-volej.
Boy, some people are just glass-half-empty.
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