Believe it and you"ll freak it Let your mind feel free
Believe it and you"ll freak it Let your mind feel free
# Everybody wants to be closer to free #
Kad pomislim na to kako sjedi u uskim gaćicama ispred kompjutera i posjećuje razne porno-sajtove. I klika na "free tour" bez namjere da se ikada učlani.
Ovo su kolica za duti-free.
"...very free, easy, easy."
"Talking about very free and easy."
"...that he fought so we"ll be free."
"That he fought, we"ll be free.
"Clap your hands!"
"You are free, and I am crying."
"Asking me, said she so free..."
"The stag in the forest runs free
Kupujem u američkom duty free shopu.
Kao duty free. Čak i bolji.
If you"re not free
Everybody put your hands together like this
Michelangelo"s soul controls your hands
And just clap your hands, everybody And let me know that I"m not alone
And the future of the world is in your hands
First thing I want you to do is... clap your hands.
Everybody, clap your hands.
Nema terorije da radimo "istraživanja" u formi free jazza... pred festivalskom publikom!
In your hands
# Slap that baby # # Make him free #
Malky, donesi mi spavačicu iz Duty free-a.
Ali, to je sramota da djeca više neće imati priliku za krater-free života.
O"er the land of the free
For who are so free As the sons of waves?
Nemaju vise free-range piletine.
"so very nice" - "i"ll hold your hands"
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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