"Cause I"m happy just to dance with you I don"t need to hug or hold you tight
"Cause I"m happy just to dance with you I don"t need to hug or hold you tight
"He will hold me fast
Ovdje, će oružje they would gol it with hold the hunos, since that the hunos they invaded this way.
I want to hold you so much
I"ll hold you close in my arms
I"ll always hold ya secure In my arms real tight
I want to hold you
I"d like to hold you
I"ve got to hold you
Just hold me
Let me hold you in my arms - In my arms
"so very nice" - "i"ll hold your hands"
"i really can"t stay" - "oh, baby, don"t hold out"
# I"m gonna take you, girl, and hold you...
# When I call You put "em all on hold #
Preitisni "hold", sviraće pesma.
Don"t hold your breath But the pretty things are going to hell
Pritisneš "hold" za čekanje dok prebacuješ poziv.
Let"s promise each other ano hi no hageshisa wo that we"ll hold on to the intensity daite of that day,
"You"ve really god a hold on me
""Squeeze me", "hold me""
Box up just like bein" in your chest, thinks she got away, don"t hold your breath
# As desperation takes hold # # ls it something so good #
And they"re not gonna hold me down no more
# When I hold you in my arms so tight #
And they"re not gonna hold me down no more,
Please hold the line.
Posle: "I wanna hold your hand" Kasnije Paul, George i Ringo izlaze na scenu i svi bleje, kao ovce!
# A girl to hold in my arms # And know the magic of her charms
Hey, hold out for the Royals, huh?
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