Minds are poisoned and souls are polluted Superiority complex is deep-rooted
Minds are poisoned and souls are polluted Superiority complex is deep-rooted
# And it"s... so deep...
? Sol deep in inside, i can feel you pushing against my heart? Hajde ispijte, besplatno je.
He understood that the hatred of the jews ran deep.
In the deep
# If you"re deep in the club, let me know # - # Roll out #
*** "Cause one day we all will be with you In the black and deep ***
I"m like a deep dicker psychic.
Možeš i meni kupiti deep-dish pizzu.
Jeste li gledali "Run silent, run deep"?
But deep inside my heart
Bury the rag deep in your face For now"s the time for your tears. - Znao je kako oguliti kožu sa onoga što bi vidio...
Sad si ti na redu "The deep End".
Go dig my grave well wide and deep.
# Watching me sleep deep
Hej, johnny. - Hej, Lloyd, imam novosti.
* Jump right off into the deep end skočiti u plavetnilo
# A voice spoke from the deep
As deep a ditch as you can dig.
Ja, ja volim deep house.
Fracking deep for oil But there"s nothing in the sump
# A comfortable three feet deep
# Making sure I"m not in too deep... #
? a deep shade of blue
It looks deep.
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