Are they gonna keep them there for night school?
Are they gonna keep them there for night school?
"... like sun-showers are legal grounds for skipping school."
And sent me to school
Pozdrav svima, ja sam Riff Randell i ovo je"Rock n roll high school".
Da, ali to je Rock and Roll high school.
Rock"n"Roll high school?
Rock"n"Roll high school je opet u eteru.
Dali je ovo kraj Rock n Roll high school?
(girl) Daddy, can we go to the school dance?
A breakin" beat, electric boogaloo Street dancing"s now a cultural school
It leads directly to the backyard of the school.
And by the way if you hate to go to school
Remember the Yazdi accent you had in that high school play?
Do you think we have a school?
Dr. kennedy?
In high school, he"s the one who turned me in. rekao je da mi je zelio podmetnuti.
Gomilama slina prekriven jezik, plutajući ostaci prljavštine, plankton svuda oko zuba. Za one dane kad se osjećate malo... Old school!
If we would"ve handled it my way, you would"ve been home on time each night... and there would"ve been one dead school teacher and whatever kids happened to be around her when she blew up.
How is... school?
Ljudi, to je old school sranje.
#You could play it real cool, act the old school #
# Out in the school yard Little peaches play
# l send him to school to learn and read and write
At school, I was apris how to behave
And you know We"re together at school again
# All the kids just getting out of school
He missed some school.
Moja zarucnica je debutantica i njena obitelj, je super druzeljubiva, super-bogati Talijani iz stare zemlje... vrlo old school.
Mislim, grupa se zove Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, ali to je rap pjesma. Odlična old school rap pjesma.
Baka je old school.
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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