* The beautiful, the beautiful river *
* The beautiful, the beautiful river *
* I am thinking today of that beautiful land *
"These flowers, I give to beautiful Rome..."
Pa, it"s a beautiful day... for something or other, zar ne?
Of the beautiful cities and the island streams
"my mother will start to worry" - "beautiful, what"s your hurry?"
"beautiful, please don"t hurry" - "well, maybe just a little while more"
How we doing, my beautiful sisters?
I"m just trying to make D.C. Safe again... especially for all the beautiful, sexy ladies here.
# And are you beautiful?
Da, znam. "You got beautiful, big brown lips."
# It"s a beautiful planet #
All things bright and beautiful All creatures great and small
"Cause you are beautiful No matter what they say
I am beautiful, no matter what they say 0 do 60 u 2.8 sekundi.
I am beautiful in every single way Desna noga?
# Words so beautiful like a Spanish rose
# Because you"re beautiful just the way that you are
* Your true colors * * Are beautiful *
* Ain"t she a beautiful sight ?
Nominirvan za najbolji adaptirani scenarij ali ga je ... dobio "A beautiful mind".
And my world is love, it"s only magical, it"s a beautiful life.
It"s all here, my beautiful, it"s your magic carpet ride.
As my body quits, i feel your world in it, it"s a beautiful life.
# Oh beautiful... #
More food than we could ever eat, a beautiful dress every day and a gorgeous garden.
Liana, Alexa for the beautiful music in your hearts, which saved us all, we anoint you Princesses of Music.
Live in this beautiful castle?
It"s beautiful.
# You took my life and made it beautiful
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