* I really be throwin" my words, stand "em up, jammin" on the one * * there ain"t nobody but neptunes jammin" on the drum * * swift flip kicks landing from the tongue *
* I really be throwin" my words, stand "em up, jammin" on the one * * there ain"t nobody but neptunes jammin" on the drum * * swift flip kicks landing from the tongue *
# And you"ll stand out in buttons and bows #
# Gotta kiss you night and day #
* When through wonderful grace by my savior I stand *
"The terrace was like a ballroom and every night..."
"... so has to stay at home at night and play with his tools."
In Dixie Land I"ll take my stand To live and die in Dixie
And so, until next time, when we shall return with another story... good night.
Are they gonna keep them there for night school?
It"s been a hard day"s night
It"s just not right when every night I"m all alone
I just want to dance with you all night In this world there"s nothing I would rather do
"Cause l really can"t stand it I"m so in love with you
"Cause I couldn"t stand the pain
"I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night..."
"...would you stand up and walk out on me?"
I"ll stand by."
"If you happen to be rich and you feel Like a night entertainment
"But there"s room on the bottom If you drop in some night.
Laku noc. - Good night.
He didn"t kiss no women at night
Dream away the night
I need you, baby to warm the lonely night
* Ljubeći me za laku noćKissing me good night *
If you want this night to last forever
Go on down to the office and stand on the line
And where murals stand on walls so grand As far as the eyes are able to see
I like the flashing lights going through the night, baby
Just as long as I hear that sound coming through the night
One in the tub at night is good for your flowers.
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