Extra, extra, read all the bad news
Extra, extra, read all the bad news
"Poison" Or so I have read
He can`t write his name or read a book
Don"t read anything into it.
# She read her magazine
# Most of what you read is made of lies...
# Most of what you read is made of lies
Eve...distress...bearing... reek...shuns...emerge-- read."
# They can"t see or read the sign
"Would you like toave the world?" It read.
I read the posting.
# l send him to school to learn and read and write
I can read in your dreams
Ali rade to kroz read-only live stream koji radi za vrijeme borbi.
For the whole world to read
*the headlines read*
I read that anticipation is also an aphrodisiac.
? I never read it in a book?
I read the "Bible. " "Ono što je krivo ne može se ispraviti. "
As long as his books are read, his paintings admired, as ong as our songs are sung, we may each of us live forever.
Pa, to je potpuno nepravedno, što je razlog zašto sam thinking-- postoji ovaj tip koji dolazi svaki tjedan da biste dobili svoj dlan read-
Android, do you read?
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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