realized that značenje i sinonimi

  • Sinonimi i slične riječi za realized that, kao i primjeri u rečenici


  • have already (0.81)
  • have never (0.80)
  • was always (0.80)
  • thought that (0.80)
  • mean that (0.80)
  • should have (0.79)
  • would not (0.79)
  • end up (0.79)
  • suggested that (0.79)
  • argue that (0.79)
  • were not (0.79)
  • would have (0.79)
  • they were (0.79)
  • who would (0.79)
  • noticed that (0.79)
  • also have (0.78)
  • the fact (0.78)
  • until they (0.78)
  • they would (0.78)
  • he also (0.78)
  • Napomena: u zagradi je koeficijent sličnosti (sličnost s zadanim pojmom) nakon obrade pomoću AI.



When writing about Dutch Shultz, he realized that when the New York City gangster had put a contract out on 23 - year-old Vincent ' Mad Dog ' Coll, who met his end on 23 rd St.


Then I realized that the Lord doesn t work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me


He realized that the disease of separation and isolation had progressed so far that spirituality itself was infected. Soul and God are labels.


Mara ignited her lightsaber, but realized that she had just taken a bath in hot oil.


Swiss people from all stratas of society, whether Catholic, Protestant, or from the liberal or conservative current, realized that the cantons would profit more if their economic and religious interest were merged.


It was, however, canceled when someone realized that it was in fact " Large Hadron Collider " and not " Large Hard-on Collider.


Everything was ok, but at the start he (Albers) realized that had a bad start he simply threw himself upon me, in a move that can even be considered dangerous.


In a few seconds he fell over wheezing. At that point we realized that a shoelace was resting tightly around Donny s neck.


Contemplating on the wonderful story of the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA, I suddenly realized that what the hydrogen bonds make with the nitrogen bases is exactly what atbash makes with the Hebrew letters


Army realized that it didn ' t have enough armored Humvees in Iraq to protect soldiers from a growing number of attacks by insurgents.. Why did it take the government almost two years to remedy a deficiency that the Army acknowledges was costing soldiers ' lives?


In the 1930 s, the Greek archeologist, Marinatos Spiridon, was investigating Crete, when he realized that some ruins had been moved by 200 feet.


Biological AlchemyWhen alchemists realized that they were advancing in age and were no closer to the goal of physical transmutation, they sought a way to stall the process of old age, to regenerate the body, and even to acquire a degree of physical immortality and biological immunity to diseases that humankind is so prone


They realized that £ 20 divided by six is £ 3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody ' s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer


Through communication with the workers and some other information that they had access to, they realized that the root of the problem was in fact the speculation over the factory real-estate.


Donaldson speak about the day he realized that some of his readers were Donaldson fans and some were Covenant fans, and that the latter far outnumbered the former.


I realized that any attempt of reasoning on humane grounds would be utterly futile. (Page 44


I realized that there were groups of children who didn t want the holidays to come, were worried about not being in school, so I set up a centre for the holidays in two railway arches in Camberwell in the beginning of 1996


Before we had a chance to phone the police, we realized that an all wheel drive vehicle was approaching, and were out of our minds over this thing. When they got there, some guys wearing those radiations suits gestured us to stay away.


When I actually got to see the skull, I was astonished, speechless because I realized that it was not only a hominid, but a hominid unlike what anyone would predict for something that old, says Daniel Lieberman, a professor of biological anthropology at Harvard University


When he came to the sentence, " One should use one ' s mind in such a way that it will be free from any attachment, " I at once became thoroughly enlightened, and realized that all things in the universe are the Essence of Mind itself


It ended because the Kremlin leadership finally realized that president Ronald Reagan, with the backing of most of the American people, was ready to use all means, including economic strangulation and military prowess, to end communist domination of Eastern and Central Europe


Bremer, realized that Napoleon found the real motivating force of revolution in the social question rather than the constitutional question of the republicans of 1848. " His great aim was to establish a political system based upon the unity of all classes and of all interests in France ".


When the four were some 400 meters from the fence, the soldiers realized that they were children, who looked to be about 13 years of age, and that their guns were toys


When the sound of the newspaper hitting the driveway roused me from my deep slumber - - the impact indicating the paper was much heavier than normal - - I realized that no one in the house was yet awake


By the time I was twelve, I realized that christianity was nonsense, but perhaps some other religion had information that put the universe in order.


These Final Five surviving humanoid Cylons realized that the humans of the Twelve Colonies would continue to create artificial life.


But then they realized that they did not have the same kind of weapons.........


The U. S. and the secessionists realized that Panama was an island, in that the Darien Gap provided a thick barrier between Colombia and Panama.


By late April, Heinrici realized that Army Group Vistula could not halt the advance of the Soviets.


" We realized that we had a weapon, " Cooper writes, " that could blast the hell out of even the most powerful German Mark VI Tiger.

Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!