"Hey, what"s the use of singing this song?"
"Hey, what"s the use of singing this song?"
"...singing freedom! Freedom!"
"We will go rocking and rolling and stomping at the hop!" "When the records are playing and the women start a-singing at the hop!"
And leave these party people singing Jingle jangle for the poor
Hopping and a-bopping and a-singing his song
Flap their wings singing go, bird, go
I"m singing in the rain...
Just sailing along singing a song
Just singing in the rain
# That keeps me singing... #
( man singing )
# We"re singing this song #
# As long as you"re singing
# Long as we"re singing our song
# As long as we"re singing
# Long as we"re singing our...
Long as we"re singing our...
# Long as we"re singing... # ...our song
# As long as I"m singing
Long as I"m singing my...
# Long as I"m singing... # ...my... # ...song!
# I"ll move on singing my heart out!
He"ll be singing in four hours flat...
A choir singing
Keep singing about the status quo
"Why do the birds go on singing?"
Bells are ringing, children singing, all is merry and bright
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