# Wait, wait along
# Wait, wait along
# Wait along, wait along!
# Wait along, wait along
I wait to hear that whistle blow
I know one thing, y"all better get off my neck And wait till you get your welfare check
# Oh, yes, wait a minute, Mr. Postman #
# I"m gonna wait till the midnight hour! (srp. čekaću do ponoći)
# I"m gonna wait till the stars come out...
# I"m gonna wait till the midnight hour...
# I"m gonna wait...
Let"s wait until they get out the parking lot.
Don"t wait up.
No need to weep, wait for the beep!
# I guess I"ll have to wait until then # # If I get drunk # # Well, the better I"ll understand my baby #
# We can hardly stand the wait
"Heaven can wait." Paramount.
Let"s have breakfast while we wait.
# Hold up, wait a minute, let me put some pimping in it #
# # It gets any later, just wait on death!
Get you naked, can"t wait to taste it
If you wait for a second, I"ll, uh, walk out with you.
Ali sada žurim nešto obaviti... wait, I"m dizzy.
I can"t wait to hear this.
# Why wait when now is the right time?
# The future is what we make, so why wait?
# Why wait?
# So why wait?
*** How long should I wait ***
*** I can"t wait to be brutal ***
*** I can"t wait to wield a hatchet Covered with blood ***
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