Now, in case you seem to recognize parts of the story... don"t be alarmed.
Now, in case you seem to recognize parts of the story... don"t be alarmed.
And so, until next time, when we shall return with another story... good night.
"From you, I get the story."
A neverending story
Neverending story
A neverending story...
I tako si se javila na njegov oglas... iz New York tjednika, a?
#That"s the way the story goes#
# I wanna tell you a story...
# Yeah, I wanna tell you a story...
His - njegovo, story - priča.
# Tell me the story tell me what to do
If there"s a story you want to tell send me a letter
# For a week he had to talk # # with a lisp like thisss # # Now, we can end # # the story right here # # But shorty didn"t quit, # # it was something in the air #
Ne, mislio sam da je leonard bernstein napisao west side story.
"The story continues every night." - "The wind narrates a tale."
"lt"s an eternal love story!"
"The story continues every night."
I"m going to need a statement of fact, your story.
Don"t let this be how my story ends
Igrala sam Mariju u "West side story".
Long story.
For years I"ve been telling myself The same old story
Next time, leave Amanda out if you want to sell your story.
* the subject of some new disgrace * * her whole story was so obvious to me *
End of story.
# A story shotgun that came undone
Mislim, znam da oni kažu "her-story" (umjesto hi-story = povijest)
Ekstra izdanje tjednika Latinska Četvrt.
It"s kind of a long story.
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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