In the holler of a tree
In the holler of a tree
And chased him up a tree
I"m gonna tell you what Santa really put Under my so-called tree
Man, you talk about a tree, it makes me wonder
"Cause I never had a tree to put anything under
If I ever did luck up and get a tree There was never anything under it for me
" Oh, Christmas tree " " Oh, Christmas tree "
" Oh, Christmas tree Oh, Christmas tree " " Oh, Christmas tree Oh, Christmas tree " " Oh, Christmas tree Oh, Christmas tree "
" Oh, Christmas tree-- "
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
Možemo li odmah preći na "partridge in a pear tree"
I can see, hearts carved on a tree
# Linger awhile in the shade of a tree # Throw away your troubles, dream a dream of me...
"Staring at a maple leaf leaning on the mother tree i said to myself..."
"a halt was made at the Pipal tree and love was born."
Boy in a tree
No tree-shaking behemoths, Francuski prijevodi, slatko jedeno neznanje.
Prethodne epizode One tree hill
*** Skwisgaar Skwigelf Taller than a tree ***
Koga za to briga kada lude Amerikanke tree okolo?
Provjeri neku žalbu zbog nekog funk partya u Babilônia hillu.
*** Bloody burned family tree ***
Da ja sam, Horseradish tree Stravinsky.
Horseradish tree Stravinsky.
Hey, Horseradish tree. Kako si?
Oh i ja isto, i meni je drago Horseradish tree.
Now I"m stiing here all alone wonderin" why my baby"s gone way down yonder by the apple tree you know
Pretpostavljam da nijedan od vas ne može da kreira "802.1q spanning tree loop" koristeći "auto forwarding non-wintel bašed" opremu?
I don"t give a crap "bout whales so go and hug a tree
# Oh, the oak and the ash and the bonny rowan tree
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