Pretty white stockings and black garters
Pretty white stockings and black garters
# And the white trash is carpin"...
Ovdje S. Johnson, tvrtka white i Blazevich.
Iz tvrtke white i Blazevich.
5 g. radio je u tvrtki white i Blazevich.
Have you seen a white flower?
A white flower?
* Black is white and cold is heat.
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
# Black and white died the same death. #
# Most of what you read is made of lies...
# Most of what you read is made of lies
# And he shows them pearly white # Just a jackknife - ah so metamuk - # Wears Macheath, babe
# Has such teeth, dear # And he shows them # Pearly white
If he wasn"t hoping for the global destruction of the white race,
# Tell me the truth, # # and I"ll tell you lies #
*** Gonna put white Christmas ***
Bio sam veliki fan "Red, white blue."
Giris in white dresses with blue satin sashes snowflakes that stayon my nose and eyelashes silver white winters that melt into springs...
James Earl Jones je izgubio oskara za ulogu u The great white hope.
Mr. white,već ste se vratili? kako ste?
Mislim da će ići u kafe "Snow white" ili negdje u grad.
All my lies have been unrehearsed
Beskućnici, white Plains.
# I"m a white boy who looked at his life gathered his hands # and saw it was all due to the sweat of some other man
Ovo nije "white Russian".
Ja ću "white Russian".
Ja sam Edgar white.
# And I"ll forget about your lies and deceit
Pa dakle, white-collar boksački klub... $25,000 tisuća te uvodi u klub, ali moraš se boriti da bi dobio pravu nagradu, točno?
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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