Is there an effective deck watch in attendance on board and adequate supervision on the terminal and on the ship?
Is there an effective deck watch in attendance on board and adequate supervision on the terminal and on the ship?
Prije povratka s pripremnog posjeta sudionik će zatražiti od prihvatne ustanove da mu izda potvrdu o sudjelovanju (C ertificate of Attendance) na kojoj treba stajati ime i prezime sudionika, datumi održavanja pripremnog posjeta i potpis organizatora tj. odgovorne osobe na posjećenoj ustanovi.
Gardaland Express is advantageous only for very crowded days; to avoid long waiting times in the days of low/medium attendance it may be sufficient to follow the simple rules.
Fritzie Zivic (The Croat Comet) Boxer - best known for his title win against Henry Hammering Hank Armstrong taking the world welterweight title. 23,190 fans witnessed Zivic s welterweight title defense in 1941 and it remains the highest attendance at Madison Square Garden.
So imagine our faces when Damon discovered that Katherine ' s ass was nowhere in attendance in the tomb???
Conduct and attendance: We attach importance to courtesy, integrty, good manners, good discipline and respect for the needs of others.Parents warrant that students will take a full part in the activities of the school, will attend each school day, will be punctual, will work hard, will be well-behaved and will comply with the school rules about the wearing of uniform
Pri cemu ne znam da li je church attendance definisan kao odlazak u crkvu jednom nedeljno ili jednom mesecno
Polaznici Ljetne škole nakon odslušanih predavanja te uspješnog izlaganja i obrane case-studyja, dobivaju certifikat Ljetne škole (Certificate of Attendance) i 6 ECTS bodova koje će moći koristiti u svom daljnjem školovanju.
Estadio La Rosaleda, Málaga Attendance: 23,670
Parc des Princes, Paris Attendance: 42,536
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, Madrid Attendance: 70,381
Stade de la Mosson, Montpellier Attendance: 27,522
Signal Iduna Park Dortmund Attendance: 65,829
He was convicted of " espionage " and " receiving money from foreigners " in connection with his attendance at a media conference in Thailand
Tim Roth, who was in attendance, intercepted him at the door, and it took 20 minutes of intense conversation to calm the man down
Compulsory teaching, incumbent upon the father in the first instance, is ordained in Deuteronomy 6:6 9 and 11:18 20. Compulsory school attendance was decreed by Simeon b.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Timothy Geithner and Fed Chairman Bernanke were in attendance, as well as Jean-Claude Trichet, EU Central Bank President, Mario Draghi, the head of Banca d Italia, Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank AG, Tom McKillop, Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, and Seppo Honkapohja, Board member of the Bank of Finland.
He had Jim Lauderdale come up and take the stage with him, which was neat, and then did a tune with Ralph Stanley II, which was also nice, but I don t think there was a singer in attendance who could have held a candle to the raw emotive power of Ralph Stanley himself.
" The Greatest Spectacle in Racing " (Indianapolis 500) is one of the oldest and richest motorsport events in existence, having the largest attendance and one of the largest radio and television audiences of any single-day sporting events worldwide.
While the official attendance is not disclosed by Speedway management, news media estimate attendance in excess of 270,000
But her two sons, Joseph, 5, and Jacob, 3, will be in attendance and will throw out the first pitch
A mysterious star-lit revel on a high bare hilltop, with a single man in attendance
The advent of Avatar obtained $ 77 million on approximately 7,000 screens at 3,452 sites over the weekend, claiming the highest-grossing opening ever for a movie that ' s neither a sequel, a remake nor a direct adaptation (though others had greater attendance)
Available for after hours calls and site attendance when required
I can only say this was an HONEST mistake - I was not aware of any EMBARGO and had assumed that all press in attendance were there in order to review what they heard too
I have most of this briefing on the slides, but I also have an outline that I have passed out to each [ person ] in attendance
Polled 850 US physicists, zoologists, chemical engineers, and geologists listed in American Men of Science (1955) on church membership, and attendance patterns, and belief in afterlife.
A nonimmigrant who wishes to enter the United States and visit schools with the intent of possible attendance should declare his or her intention and have Prospective Student noted on the Form I-94. Otherwise, if a B-1/2 nonimmigrant wishes to change to an F-1 or M-1, he or she must provide evidence to explain the change of his or her primary purpose for entering the United States
Dennis will be in attendance for the Brickyard 400 race, where his former McLaren driver Juan Pablo Montoya will start from pole position.
In his excellent book The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, Thom Hartmann recounts how a delegation of Iroquois tribesmen were in attendance as guests of Benjamin Franklin during the Albany Plan of Union in 1754, where the early drafts of a constitutional framework were imagined.
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
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