baking značenje i sinonimi

  • Sinonimi i slične riječi za baking, kao i primjeri u rečenici


  • vegetables (0.71)
  • dried (0.71)
  • syrup (0.69)
  • garlic (0.68)
  • flavored (0.68)
  • herbs (0.68)
  • powdered (0.67)
  • wheat (0.67)
  • bottles (0.67)
  • drops (0.67)
  • cakes (0.67)
  • ingredient (0.67)
  • delicate (0.66)
  • medicinal (0.66)
  • drinks (0.66)
  • cleanser (0.66)
  • sparkling (0.66)
  • breads (0.66)
  • dehydrated (0.66)
  • beverage (0.66)
  • Napomena: u zagradi je koeficijent sličnosti (sličnost s zadanim pojmom) nakon obrade pomoću AI.



Ovaj recept dolazi iz knjige Dorie Greenspan Baking: From My Home to Yours koju sam vam spominjala u postu o košaricama s voćem.


Živim već jedanaest godina u Williamsburgu, vodim Bedford Baking Studio, umjetničku galeriju i projekt Bed Breakfast u vlastitu stanu.


Otvorila sam već puno puta otvorenu i prelistala već puno puta prelistanu kuharicu Baking: From my home to yours američke autorice Dorie Greenspan i pronašla ono što sam tražila recept za muffine od bundeve.


Research is not baking this up now


Combine flour, sugar, corn meal, baking powder and salt in medium bowls.


Place coconut in a shallow baking pan.


Baking soda je natrijev bikarbonat po oxfordovom i Merriam - webster rječnicima.


Baking soda je naziv za jamnićku koju piju bake u anglosaksonskom govornom području


I believe there are 3 categories a good recipe should fit: it must sound delicious, it should smell good when baking/cooking, and the finished product should make you not want to wait a proper ten minute cooling period to stuff it in your mouth.


To toast and grind dried chiles: Place chiles on baking sheet in 350 - degree oven until fragrant and puffed, about 6 minutes.


2. Apply a small amount of toothpaste with a small amount of Arm Hammer Baking Soda to a clean, soft cotton cloth and apply to your DVD.


Cure, jabucni ocat i soda bikarbona (baking soda).


Browning during baking, frying or deep-frying will produce acrylamide and over-cooking foods may produce large amounts of acrylamide.


Most of us think sun damage occurs from baking in the sun and getting a deep, dark tan.


Cheesecakey cake, ako ste procitali u uvodu, recept je iz napravljen iz jedne kuharice, tako da nisam preuzela zasluge za ovaj cheesecake, a i nisam izumila toplu vodu jer ovaj kolac nije nista novo barem ne u americkoj kuhinji recept je iz americke kuharice TOP 20 cheesecake, a ne iz Joy of baking, kad smo vec kod toga pa mozete istrazivati da li je Joy of baking pokrao Better Homes and Gardens koji je izdao knjizicu s receptima ili obrnuto Hvala na komentaru.


Token (Active baking), UP (Info Banking)


Grease an 8 - inch square baking pan


If a man is in a mood to have sexual intercourse the woman must come immediately even if she is baking bread at a communal oven. (TR.


A pronasla sam sta je baking soda - to nije prasak za pecivo (prasak je baking powder), vec soda bikarbona.


During high-temperature baking, iron minerals in clay record the exact state of Earth ' s magnetic field at that precise moment.


I zna li netko sto amerikanci misle pod ' baking soda '


A da ne govorim o tecajevima i certifikatima u podrucju " baking " koje mozes dobiti od njih.


Baking soda = NaHCO3 iliti soda bikarbona.


Blend the cake flour, baking powder, soda, salt, ground coffee and cocoa


Here are some common sources of aluminum that you need to avoid if your hair test shows high aluminum: antiperspirants and underarm deodorants, aluminum cookware (especially dangerous if acid foods like tomatoes are cooked), beverages from aluminum cans, municipal drinking water which often has aluminum compounds added, baking powders, bleached flour, processed cheese, some table salts, some antacids, and breathing in dust when sanding with aluminum oxide sandpaper.


They are supposed to grow old with that box of baking soda you keep open in the back of your fridge.


An Austrian in Austria is baking strudels


Flickr user Megpi made this beautiful " impressionist cake. " ZOMG. impressionist cake (via Craft) Previously: Love Cake, a baking song by Rocky and Balls - Boing Boing Polyhedral dice cake - Boing Boing Resignation letter on cake - Boing Boing Giant squid cake - Boing Boing Threadless tees in cake..


Yeast, specifically Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is used in baking as a leavening agent, where it converts the fermentable sugars present in the dough into carbon dioxide.


Da u pravu si, radi se o baking powder.

Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!