Box up just like bein" in your chest, thinks she got away, don"t hold your breath
Box up just like bein" in your chest, thinks she got away, don"t hold your breath
# About the spots on his chest #
# Chest, chest... #
Fifteen men on a dead man´s chest
# In the brain and not the chest # # Head shots are the very best # # In the brain and not the chest #
# Fifteen men on a dead man"s chest
Baš sam se divio vašoj škrinji. (chest=prsa)
Mislio sam na škrinju (chest) kraljice Anne.
Okay,Mac. Jedan hitac malog kalibra u područje prsa caliber GSW to the chest area.
M.E. confirms Pradeep Singh was killed by a gunshot wound to the chest.
He needs a chest tube.
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