* it was good enough * * for my father * * it was good enough for me *
* it was good enough * * for my father * * it was good enough for me *
My father was a Jew
"When I need my father! "
My father"s strong, and I am told The family name I must uphold
Ja sam te spojio sa tvojim odbačenim ocem.... reunited you with your estranged father.
Mankind wouldn"t be in this state with a father.
Moj father"sa nedolazak, baš kao i moj slatki 16 i moj srednjoškolski maturu [plače ] daje stablo dao dječačića svi njezini plodovi i njegove podružnice, a sada je to samo batrljak, i još uvijek želi dati .
* My father is a rich man,
*My father will be with us tonight*
*My father will be with us tonight* *lt"s my time to fly*
*My father will be with me tonight* *My father will be with me tonight*
*My father will be with me tonight*
"In my younger and more vulnerable years, "My father gave me some advice that i"ve been turning over in my mind ever since...
Are you the father?
Mother, father has come back.
Or I should call your father
Her father.
I was with your father all night. - Let me say, he"s going to be okay.
Her father and I don"t exactly get along so well.
*** Though my father"s fascinated ***
* and his mother goes to meetings, * * while his father pulls the maid, * * and she stirs the tea with councilors, * * while discussin" foreign trade, * * and she passes looks, as well as bills *
Even more so between father and son, there can be no forgiveness.
I imagine it was your father who taught you how to hang drywall.
My father left, he never even married Mom
Moj father"sa ginekolog, mislim da mogu to podnijeti.
Dušo, tvoj father"ll nikad se ne zna.
Međutim, gospodin Haas, vaš zaposlenik-ov father-- on je pritiskom napadne optužbe.
I am Jane"s father.
I think I just met your father.
He didn"t want his father, the great Lionel Hubbard, to go down in jazz history as a fraud.
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