And the future of the world is in your hands
And the future of the world is in your hands
And if you believe that you"re the future
But we are the future
I"ll bet you Chris"s future I do.
"Cool" je stvar mladih, to je fashion link koji postaje cool.
Rach, jesi li čula za agenciju Fortunata fashion?
"My future "
Dobro, volim taj auto. Hocked my future on it.
"The future has taken birth from the womb of time."
Pa,u duhu tvog fashion showa ranije, odlucio sam da zapocnem da se bavim fotografijom.
# Passion is the fashion, and life is poetry
# The future is what we make
# The future is what we make, so why wait?
Sad pokušavaju biti u trendu, ono cool and matrixy, pa je slogan "get your fash on." (fashion-moda)
Ništa od fashion showa.
* this is the season the sign, the song * givin" the reason that you need to hear * the past has been broken * the future forgives * you can say it all now * don"t turn...
Begging for change, and a hope for the future
My past is pretty rocky And my future ain"t long
Imali smo priliku da gledamo urušavanje finansijskog sistema ove zemlje kakav nije bio dosta dugo. Ako ljudi vole Credit default swaps (prenosiva osiguranja kredita), onda će im se sigurno svideti CO2 swaps ili pak future swaps.
* I"ve always got my eyes on the future gledala sam u budućnost
Kao u Beck to the future?
Back to the future je izašao.
Predviđanju future"sa Sucker je igra.
Pa, ja... arise, ye sons of MIT in loyal brotherhood the future beckons unto ye and life is full and good arise, and raise your steins on high tonight shall ever be a memory that will never die
And as for your future here,
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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