LeAnn was so upset that she tied fishing line to her eyelashes and made Eddie pull them above her head so her r..
LeAnn was so upset that she tied fishing line to her eyelashes and made Eddie pull them above her head so her r..
Predsjednica od krvi i mesa over-her-head u problemima, njen muž (Colm Feore) je fantastičan glumac i osobito mi se sviđa njegov razvoj priče, to mi je jedan od najzanimljivijih dijelova priče, sve djeluje nepovezano a na kraju je sve povezano.
Angie Jo ' s sparkling halo off her head by claiming all sorts of scandalous shit in this week ' s issue.
Instead of doing the reasonable thing by gluing a merkin to the side of her head, she shaved it down even more
Neke od njih tom su se idealu približile (Zen, Things, Over Her Head, Magritte prve tri odsvirane su i na zagrebačkom koncertu), ali se u ostatku vrlo dobro da osjetiti neiskorišteni prostor
Each swing of motion pumped pain to her head.
Nastupom u formatu minimalističkog trija na kojemu je nove skladbe poput Zen, Things, Paris 1919 i Over Her Head lucidno prekrojio u iznimne koncertne brojeve, čije jednostavno glazbeno ruho nije utjecalo na emocionalnu snagu interpretacije, Cale je pak po tko zna koji put u karijeri pokazao svoju odlučnost poigravanja sa žanrovskim kanonima te želju za rušenje stereotipa i učmalih konvencija.
This translated into many hours of study for the young Knauss; as a child, her head was frequently buried in a book
In the clip, which was filmed with a mobile phone, the mother appears to be unconscious, with her head lolling from side to side, as she is repeatedly raped.
Ke $ ha and her head need to go back to Hollywood ' s " Do Not Want " pile, because nobody gives go..
Once the child places it on his or her head and swings the snorkel down from..
a girl who went to her record deal appointment with over 400 songs in her head.
Over the weekend, professional wolf-crier Tila Tequila went to the hospital after what ' s left of her brain tried to escape causing her to fall and hit her head against the wall.
Our current reigning Hot Slut of the Month, Susan Boyle, returned to the Britain ' s Got Talent stage last night with freshly pruned brows and a new luscious mop on her head.
And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow. " She turned her head sharply and smiled through the gloom, right at Arya.
The creature on her head has been with her through every airport security check.
Seriously, it ' s time for RiRi to carefully take that animal off her head, put it back in its cage,..
At the US Open yesterday, Asshole Simpson let the free booze go straight to her head and carry her off to the top of a bar in Missouri where she threw up her hands to Skynrd while fat truckers in flannels threw jukebox tokens at her.
The story goes that the song is about Eminem, but Mimi shook her head " no " when asked about it (SPOILER ALERT: She was lying).
La Toya is also there, because she ' s always wanted to walk the same streets as her personal hero and mentor (in her head) Sherlock Holmes.
SamRo has already shaken her head NO to the rumor that she ' s got the remnants of Xtina ' s lead-based bronzer all over her hot pocket, but maybe she should tell that to her friend.
Since performing as JLo hasn ' t really worked out for JLo lately, she decided to plop a white wig on her head and impersonate Marilyn Monroe while singing " Happy Birthday " to George Lopez on his show last night.
If I was on Jerry Springer with her, I ' d try to snatch that wig off her head only to find out that it ' s not really a wig.
Holding upon her head her most treasured possesion (the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari), this Kamala Manjari hopes that by thus observing Their eternal pastimes going on within this transcendental forest of Vraja at Godruma, Navadvipa, then her craving thirst for such mellows will finally be quenched. (Gitamala
At a show in Rotterdam, Sasha Fierce ' s wig nearly blew off her head when SOMEONE (wink wink nudge nudge) failed to turn on the lights at the right time.
Here, in the Montelimar area, France, French civilians shave her head as punishment. " Smith, August 29, 1944
Josi, a contestant on Big Brother in Brazil, was walking in a fashion show held in a nightclub/auto-parts store when she kissed the catwalk with the back of her head.
Since the Department of Public Health ordered Brit Brit to cover up the crater of mangy weave hair on her head until a team of Hazmat professionals can properly tame it, she wore a hat while shopping for craft shit with her boyfriend Sam Merlotte Jason Trawick yesterday afternoon.
Two men who murdered a woman before cutting off her head are given minimum sentences totalling almost 50 years
I turned her head so I got a better look on her neck and beautiful veins under her skin.
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