"Baby, baby, baby, light my fire!"
"Baby, baby, baby, light my fire!"
I"m like burning fire, you know I"m just too much
# You"d be so nice... by the fire
Baby my heart"s on fire.
(music) ...fire (music) [uh ]
(music) Goodness, gracious Great balls of fire (music)
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on, baby, light my fire
Girl, we couldn"t get much higher Come on, baby, light my fire
Ne mogu vjerovati! - Come on baby, light my fire
** We can"t stop the fire **
** Can"t stop the fire **
"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!"
# Sets the summer sun on fire #
"Set this place on fire "
(machine-gun fire )
Do you think you are the revered saint Valmiki... that you are putting us to a test of fire?
#We keep the fire just a little bit hotter That way you"ll learn #
Da li je ona fire crotch?
"Ja sam fire-crotch."
Kužiš, fire-crotch?
Mislim da ćeš zaplakati, fire-crotch.
Ostavi me na miru fire-crotch.
# I can feel the fire # # of the city lights burn #
Gonna start a fire
No serenade, no fire brigade
...Pier 29, barge fire...
And the eternal fire
"Like a big piece of fire..."
"I walk on fire, turn into smoke and yearn"
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