"If you smile at me, I will understand..."
"If you smile at me, I will understand..."
"To wipe every smile away
Lookin" for a special smile
I got a smile on my face
** Chokes a smile ** ** On every face **
# Plastic face, can"t smile The whiteout #
(You"ve Heard lt Before) # Your smile breaking my heart #
# Plastic face, can"t smile # # The whiteout #
""my flickering smile "" O kako dobro izgledate
""my flickering smile ""
""my flickering smile "" Što se događa Što ja radim ovdje
One smile and suddenly nobody else will do
# I swear that orange crush, so sweet it"II make you blush # # you"re feeling good with your illegal smile #
# Behind a pretty smile you hide P - Danas sam pronašao staru prijateljicu.
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
* My stars don"t answer me * to show the way to your smile
Sad but you smile
# And your smile #
* Disarm you with a smile * * cut you like you want me to * * cut that little child * * inside of me and such a part of you * * ooh, the years burn *
* I send this smile over to you *
* disarm me with a smile * * leave you like they left me here * * to wither in denial * * bitterness of one who"s left alone * * ooh, the years burn *
* I send this smile over to you * * the killer in me is the killer in you * * send this smile over to you * * the killer in me is the killer in you * * send this smile over to you *
* the killer in me is the killer in you * * send this smile over to you. *
* Every smile you fake, every claim you stake *
"Bok, kako si? " I smile.
# Of your smile, your easy laughter
Pajdo, Rich girl i Sara smile.
Neposlušni će hodati po dasci i moliti se da im se sirene smile. -Suoči se sa mnom, zločinče!
Mogao smile.
I dvije, ti me smile.
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