"Cause I"m happy just to dance with you I don"t need to hug or hold you tight
"Cause I"m happy just to dance with you I don"t need to hug or hold you tight
Feeling you holding me tight
I let myself sleep tight
I"ll always hold ya secure In my arms real tight
(music) Hold me tight out on the borderline (music)
# When I hold you in my arms so tight #
And I`ll hold you tight, baby, all...
# That"s what keeps us tight,
# The rhythm and each other, and that"s what keeps us tight
# The rhythm and each other, that"s what keeps us tight
" and lock "em up tight, tight, tight, tight, tight "
" you better keep an eye on your boys and lock "em up tight "
Kako si sexy. You"re still tight as ever.
Big picture, tight ship.
# Sleep tight On the night train #
#It"s impossible to get a tight seal.
Ja sam tako umorna od susreta tvrtke koje su samo puna tight-magaraca u odijelima to je to, uh, je osvježavajuće upoznati nekoga. Ne sebe uzeti tako ozbiljno.
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