# His truth is marching home.
# His truth is marching home.
#Halleluja His truth is marching home
But decided it was better that you learn the truth about Ray Loomis now than later.
# Don"t tell me truth hurts little girl
# Don"t tell me truth hurts little girl #
Napisla je "Naked truth" (Golu istinu).
** I heard ** ** The truth beating **
Place bets on truth I"m sol up and down
# You used to speak the truth but now you"re liar #
# You used to speak the truth but now you"re clever #
And then we can track down any witnesses who can corroborate the truth.
# Tell me the truth, # # and I"ll tell you lies #
* "Cause the truth you might be runnin" from... *
His truth is marching on
How do I know you"re telling the truth?
* It"s a simple truth we all need *
"Truth is truth, to the end of reckoning. "
# One truth
Don"t run from the truth, even if you can.
But if there"s even a hint of truth to što je taj klinac je rekao, when you hit, you hit da ga stavi dolje ... zauvijek.
I know you know that I"m not telling the truth
Cook pala smiješno je truth-- zašto sam još uvijek ovdje.
Ja sam živi u truth-- barem pokušavam, što je daleko više nego što mogu reci za tebe.
Mislim da je važno da znate truth-- istina o meni.
Recite vam truth-- ne mislim njegovo ime bio Henkel.
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