Now it"s your turn to cry over me
Now it"s your turn to cry over me
Now it"s your turn
"Turn, turn any corner."
"What do you see when you turn out the light?"
"You"ll never turn the vinegar To jam, Mein Herr
"I remember how She"d turn to me and say
I like the way you turn me on with just a single kiss
# Why"d you have to turn off all that...
I don"t turn the lughts on
***By then what happens is you can turn your hurt into a halo.***
# To turn me on, just set my dial #
# Only my heart and a promise not to turn # - # Never turn #
Pa to je turn-of-the-century švicarski ponavljač.
# Can"t run, can"t shoot Bring on the beat # # Funky girls really turn up the heat #
Ne mozete reci " vjera - based" inicijative , morate biti precizniji od toga .
Ova tehnologija je izuzetno tesko i zahtijeva testiranje za proizvodnju bojevih glava sposoban se smanjila davelicina potrebno da se nalazi na podmornici - based krstarecih raketa .
( If I could turn back time... )
Prostor-based oružja uvijek destabilizirati planetarne politiku.
Everytime i turn around you are gone but, tonight i won"t tell anyone
It"s your turn, it"s your life
# Let"s turn away from the mirror
* turn the radio up for that sweet sound * * hold me close, never let me go * * keep this feelin" alive, make me lose control *
Otac je neki klinac ilndijac, s kim sam se kresnula iz sažaljenja, zbog U-turn-a.
Nisam nikad spavala sa U-turn-om.
But there"s nothing, really nothing to turn off
# Please turn on your magic beam #
# So please turn on your magic beam #
If it"s me you need to turn to
A governmentally imposed systematic prejudice against a class based on their sexual orientation.
Mnogi ljudi kritiziraju mog muža i mene for wanting to turn prime, tourist-friendly real estate into a children"s hospital.
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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