"Always watch out for the traffic cop, out on his horse looking for people to stop..."
"Always watch out for the traffic cop, out on his horse looking for people to stop..."
Many, many people have borrowed this legend... quite profitably, too.
Marriage is a partnership, where two people, side by side... Brak je partnerstvo, gdje dvoje ljudi, jedan uz drugoga suočavaju se s životnim preprekama zajedno.
"...what the people say."
"Silver people on the shoreline, let us be."
"When the records are playing, people eat a lot of chicken..." "...at the hop, hop, hop."
Ali reci mi, nije li istina da loši ljudi uvijek čine loše stvari onima koji su im blizu, dok im dobri uvijek čine dobro? to those who approach them, whilst good people always do them some good.
My mother"s people came by ship
"Cause there"s people laughing and people crying
And people never treat you like they should
Party people, if you"re ready to rock Let me hear you scream
All right, you people get ready to cheer
And leave these party people singing Jingle jangle for the poor
Leeches and lices, and people got prices Egomaniacs control the self-righteous
Party people, this the place to be
"Listen to the flower people!"
Listen to what the flower people say "JAMBOREEBOP" (Američka TV - 1967)
Other people have.
#Come on, people, now#
#So many people#
I think this is a ridiculous scam... being perpetrated on the inner-city... by ambitious politicians... stepping on the backs of my people... for their own corrupt political agendas.
# If people laugh when you walk by #
Do you know how many people you"ll have to look after?
Jer ne tako davno, people would be burnt to ljude bi spaljivali, zar ne, Moby?
I hate it when people mess up my count.
Mi radimo u različitim timovima Mutaba village.
* There"s people still hanging on*
# 24 hour party people #
# With the 24 hour party people #
Arena za borbe, dograđena trećem skladištu 1996 godine robijašima. And ain"t too many people outdid what I did
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