"It would change your point of view.
"It would change your point of view.
It"s enough to change my mind
Key change. "High anxiety
No more chump change, none of that bull Just movies, museums, and the hall of fame
#And change where I"m at#
Only the names will change
In one second, everything can change.
* Trying to change a cold world* *l don"t expect that you"d understand*
Gotovo. Sve je obavljeno za transport u naš Centar u San Franciscu. Tamo će vas dočekati vaš X-change ID.
"O, uvjeren sam da je X-change duboko ožalošćen kada god se dogodi tragedija."
Otvoriti X-change običnom čovjeku, pružiti zabavu.
Idemo u X-change!
No they"re not gonna change my mind,
Iako mislim kako je u tvoj samoimenovani debi uloženo mnogo više truda nego u "oil change"-u
Don"t let a thing ever change you
Maybe we should change your superhero name to Overdressed Lad.
Let me just change my shirt, then we can get out of here.
Get up, get up How"d you change the sound?
"Plus ça change..." (Što se više menja... - prim.prev.)
# That ain"t ever gonna change - # Believe it, mister
# Go home and change your clothes 25 times a day
# I change my hair, my clothes, my style because I know I can
# It don"t change a thing
# So what good is it to run away, it don"t change a thing
Need some change for that?
Got a life together set in stone but until you change
But until you change
Blowing with the wind of change
Listening to the wind of change
In the wind of change
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