It"s just you guys have a lot to catch up on.
It"s just you guys have a lot to catch up on.
"..."How can you catch the sparrow?""
Devastation, death, catch the killing machine
I guess we"ll catch up back at the ranch for dinner.
#You won"t catch us slipping, man, with nothing to smoke #
# But might catch us pimping like never before #
How about letting me pitch instead of catch this time?
But I"m not gonna let me catch me, no.*
*Not gonna let "em catch the midnight rider...*
* If you fall I will catch you I will be waiting * /* Ako padneš ja ću te uhvatiti, ja ću čekati */
Ketchup? "catch-up."
If you catch my drift.
(Vrata otvara) gospodine, bilo kakve šanse za taj catch-up?
And you just can"t catch them when they do.
Gabi, draga, mi trebamo imati catch-up, a uskoro.
Ako ne barem dobiti moj makeout na faksu prije, ću se igrati seksualno catch-up za nekoliko godina.
# And the bullets catch in her teeth
Mogu podnijeti u odjeljku V, ali to je catch-all,
Nice catch, Michael.
It"s easy to miss, but you usually catch these things.
But 48 hours is our best window to catch the attackers.
Jezikoslovac je web odrednica na kojoj ćemo pokušati u skorije vrijeme objediniti sve varijante i baze koje su trenutno dostupne za hrvatski jezik, kao i što veći broj primjera za iste. Pratite nas i šaljite prijedloge, kako bismo postali centralno mjesto razmjene znanja.
Srdačan pozdrav!
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