Pretty white stockings and black garters
Pretty white stockings and black garters
"But there"s room on the bottom If you drop in some night.
Heather je za prvim stolom za black-jack, tamo.
Look at the bottom of these
Big bottom
Big bottom Drive me out of my mind.
Big bottom Drive me out of my mind!
# Well, the black folks are starvin"...
# Who"s the black private dick that"s a sex machine to all the chicks?
Hey, Rod, man, I just want to say that, you know... with all the black-on-black crime in D. C... it"s kind of nice to know... a brother"s out there trying to do something.
I just joined... this African American liberation movement... and I"m feeling black.
Look at all this black-on-black crime.
But if, baby, I"m the bottom
NAS, takozvani "black shakes" prvi put prepoznat 2010 u maloj populaciji Norveških informacija--
Randi , jeste li vidjeli black veziva ?
Mijenjao sam igre, i pokušao dobiti na black jacku u Potkovici.
I"m the boss of the ghetto, black crow of the game
NAACP ne zelis vidjeti black odvjetnik ?
" Gospodine predsjednice , kad cujem black Koraci su iza mene , bojim se .
# They say it"s lonely at the top # # Let me tell you, man, it kills at the bottom # # Well, you will never hear your name #
# O-oh, o-oh... # # They say it"s lonely at the top # # Let me tell you, man, it kills at the bottom. #
# Hey, there, Mr black man, can you hear me?
Pa, prvo je bio black jack.
# Tied up with a black velvet band
# Tied up with a black velvet band... #
# Tied up with a black velvet band!
I know what you"re thinking, we"re not in the black.
Or some dream at the bottom of a wishing well, virusna - siri komaraca ...
Njezina tlak nece bottom out!
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