Nažalost, moj odušak je volio pijanku sa žele shot-ovima.
Nažalost, moj odušak je volio pijanku sa žele shot-ovima.
Lemon drop?
Limun drop?
""They shot you, Joe, " says I."
"But there"s room on the bottom If you drop in some night.
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
But ever since I shanked that loudmouth pussy in the yard, it"s like my Dun and Broadstreet around this bitch done shot way the fuck up.
Dva muggings , tri bara borbe , cetiri gangbanger drop -off iloša Stroganoff od vjencanja .
Oh, želiš vidjeti bum shot?
Regularni shot za 55 ili body shot za 155?
Regularni shot.
Osjecate se kao da vas je uredio shot tip?
Everybody wants a shot at me
Amy, mogu ti pokazati "body shot".
I like just being around you, and... when I"m not, I"m thinking about you, so I"d appreciate it if you gave me another shot.
"lt was a drop of dew resting on your eyelashes."
Hoćeš da popijem jedan "shot" (čašica pića)? Oh, ne.
Hoću da popiješ pet shot-ova.
Have your accomplice here drop by my office with a list of demands.
I"m going to drop a few things off at his office.
Double -shot cimeta mochachino , nema bic , posipavanje i jos jedan metak .
# Let"s ride, then I drop the top #
#Then I drop the top #
# Let"s ride Then I drop the top #
# Come on, let"s ride Then I drop the top #
Cupid shot me with an arrow from the start
Možeš mu onda uvijek dati hot shot ( zlatni šut ).
Popij sa mnom, redatelju. Idemo napraviti `love shot`!
A dodali smo i uređaj koji pokazuje snagu svakog uboda. To je dual-mas drop sustav.
*Billy Joe shot a man while robbing his castle*
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